history-of-the-senor-de-los-temblores Casa San Blas Boutique
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The history of Señor de los Temblores (Lord of Tremors) remote to the time of the colony, when in 1620 was worked a different Christ for those who venerate in Spain, with the purpose of consolidating the process of evangelization in Peru, to complete this goal the Christ must have coppery color and mestizo features.


semana santa cusco seor de los temblores


The image was a gift from the King Carlos and to send across the ocean in a closed ark, in the middle of the trip when a storm threatened the crew, the image of Christ was taken. The religious people put the crucifix on the mast of the ship and prayed. The storms stopped and calm the fury of the sea, reason why travelers decorated to the image of Christ as “Lord of Storms».

When the image arrived to Peru, it was designated to a Spanish muleteer to move the image to the city of Cusco, after many circumstances the image arrived to Mollepata in the province of Anta, department of Cusco and just when they intended to continue with the trip the image of Christ weighed too much, so that the town interpreted this fact as a divine purpose ash that «Christ wanted to stay» over time was built a temple and was baptized as «Lord Manuel Exaltación of Mollepata» and and actually is known as such in the province of Anta.


The past chronicles tell that after the disastrous earthquake occurred on March 31th, 1650. Reason why it was baptized as the «Señor de los Temblores».

Also, the history tells that the holy image was taken in procession in 1720, because the plague was struck to the population, stopping the disease. Before this miracle, the population proclaimed it «Jury Pattern of Cusco».

In the present day the image of the Lord of the Tremors is in the Cathedral of Cusco with features less thin and hard, with rough but shocking anatomy, the image was worked secretly in complete the king’s order, since the original stayed in distant lands as Mollepata u the province of Anta.

It say that the color of his skin changes by the smoke and the contact of the resin of the Ñuqch’u, a sacred flower that symbolizes the blood of the «Pachamama or the Mother earth» in the magic Andean religious world. From the year 1741 he leaves in procession every Holy Monday in order to bless all people that live in Cusco.

Casa San Blas:
Inversiones Hoteleras Planeta Tierra SAC
RUC 20502203208

Address Peru:
Tocuyeros 556 Cuesta de San Blas, Cusco - Peru
Telephone numbers:
Reservations:  +51 984 033 770
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