travel-documents Casa San Blas Boutique

Travel DocumentsTravelers entering Peru must carry a valid passport.
Visas are not required for travelers from the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Europe, Mexico and South American nations.

Citizens of Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, all African nations (with the exception of South Africa), most Asian countries (with the exception of Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Thailand) will need to apply for a visa to visit Peru for tourism or business.

Visa applications are received by the Peruvian consulate in the traveler’s country of origin. Travelers should allow plenty of time for the processing of their visa application.

Before arrival, make sure you pack a photocopy of your passport (the page containing your photograph and personal information), so you won’t have to carry your passport with you at all times. For your comfort and security, we can keep your passport in the hotel safe.

As soon as you enter Peru, you will be given an immigration form known as the Andean Immigration Card (TAM). This small sheet of paper may seem unimportant, but in fact it is extremely important because it will mean you will not be subject to payment of sales tax on your hotel accommodation. The TAM will be requested by all the hotels you stay at, so you can be exempted from this tax. If you lose your TAM, you will have to pay sales tax at every hotel, as well as a fine when leaving the country. Keep your TAM in your passport, and use a paperclip so you won’t lose it.

If you are planning to hire a vehicle, please don’t forget to bring a valid driving license. This is a requirement of all companies offering vehicles for hire.
Casa San Blas:
Inversiones Hoteleras Planeta Tierra SAC
RUC 20502203208

Address Peru:
Tocuyeros 556 Cuesta de San Blas, Cusco - Peru
Telephone numbers:
Reservations:  +51 984 033 770
Whats App: +51 984 033 770

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