The weavers in the Andes get inspired by the spider, to achieve their duty, they need vision, perseverance, creativity and joy, yet only the order and discipline would allow the creative process to be transformed into a work of art.
The spider spreads the threats to the infinite weaving a world of relationships. The analogy of the World Wide Web currently used is accurate; it communicates individuals, countries, cultures, enabling understanding in a humanity with no boundaries.
Las tejedoras en los andes, se inspiran en la araña, y para lograr su labor, necesitan, visión, constancia, creatividad y alegría Pero sólo el orden y la disciplina permiten que el proceso creativo resulte en una pieza de arte
La Araña extiende su tela al infinito, tejiendo un mundo de relaciones.
Casa San Blas: Inversiones Hoteleras Planeta Tierra SAC RUC 20502203208 |
Address Peru: Tocuyeros 556 Cuesta de San Blas, Cusco - Peru |
Telephone numbers: | |
Reservations: | +51 984 033 770 |
Whats App: | +51 984 033 770 |