corpus-christi-in-cusco Corpus Christi in Cusco Casa San Blas Boutique
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CORPUS CHRISTI IN CUSCO: A very special celebration

The following Thursday to the eighth Sunday after Easter, it takes place the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.

It is a Catholic celebration whose purpose is to remember the institution of the Eucharist, which was established on Holy Thursday, during the Last Supper, when according to the scriptures, Jesus Christ converted the bread and wine into his body and blood, and invited the apostles to commune with him.

This celebration that began in the Middle Ages, approximately in the year 1246 in the city of Liège, nowadays Belgium, took relevance in 1263, 17 years later, when an astonishing event occurred: while the bread was consecrated during a Mass in the town of Bolsena (Italy), blood flowed from it.

This celebration is especially important in Catholic countries such as Peru, Spain, Mexico, among others. In Peru, the most ingrained celebrations are found in Cajamarca (in the northern highlands) and in Cusco (in the southern highlands).

The Mass during the Corpus Christi celebration, in Cusco, is leaded by the Archbishop accompanied by the principal ecclesiastical, civil and military authorities, in the presence of all the population, in the atrium of the Cathedral of Cusco, where the “Mayordomos” or those in charge of the organization of the celebration decorate the Altar with stained glass and ornate mirrors that are used only for important religious celebrations. They prepare bombards and coordinate the ringing of bells in the churches around the city center announcing the beginning of the celebration.

Immediately after the Mass that is accompanied by chants in Quechua (our native language), the procession of the Holly Sacrament (Consecrated Bread) begins around the Main Square, where it is common to witness samples of deep fervor, such as chants in Quechua, offerings in flowers, prayers and litanies.

Immediately, the images of Saints and Virgins that moved from their parishes to the city center, initiate the procession; each one dressed in their best clothes embroidered in gold and silver threads, accompanied by dancers and musicians, on well-decorated litters, on the shoulders of his faithful porters.

The devoted population organize themselves in the best way to accompany the image representing their devotion. Pouring petals of flowers or following the image to the rhythm of the bands.

The most expected during the procession are:

The celebration of Corpus Christi is another example of the religious syncretism of The Andes, where the ancestral traditions of the Incas are mixed with the religion imposed by the Spanish Conquest in the 16th Century.

If you are in Cusco, around the month of June, do not miss the opportunity to participate in this Celebration or Solemnity of Corpus Christi and follow our advice to ask an elder person to help you identify the images and possibly even tell you about the stories and myths created about some of them.

At Casa San Blas Boutique, hotel in Cusco, we are proud of our cultural heritage and we are happy to share it with our visitors.

If your require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us through our e-mail

We wil be glad to assist you.
Casa San Blas:
Inversiones Hoteleras Planeta Tierra SAC
RUC 20502203208

Address Peru:
Tocuyeros 556 Cuesta de San Blas, Cusco - Peru
Telephone numbers:
Reservations:  +51 984 033 770
Whats App: +51 984 033 770

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