ecological Casa San Blas Boutique

Hotel Respect for the EnvironmentAll team members of the Casa San Blas Boutique, hotel in Cusco understand the importance of caring for the environment. We do everything possible to limit our consumption of paper and plastics.

We have posted notices in all the rooms, inviting guests to reflect upon this issue through the reuse of sheets and towels.

The products we use are biodegradable and our garbage is pre-selected in order to assist municipal recycling initiatives.

In addition, we have equipped all our standard rooms with 300 ml purified water bottles and the suites with 8-liter purified water bottles, so that our guests will not have to buy water in plastic bottles.
In our lobby we have installed a ceramic vessel filled with purified water available free of charge to all our guests.

We maintain a stock of low cost sports bottles which our guests can purchase and refill with as much water as they need and carry with them during their activities outside the hotel.
Casa San Blas:
Inversiones Hoteleras Planeta Tierra SAC
RUC 20502203208

Address Peru:
Tocuyeros 556 Cuesta de San Blas, Cusco - Peru
Telephone numbers:
Reservations:  +51 984 033 770
Whats App: +51 984 033 770

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